Tsukuba St. Patrick's Fes 2011

Enjoy the Irish Holiday!!!
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Festival 2011
Date:19 Sat & 20 Sun March 2011
...Parade on 19th 3:00pm
Venu:Tsukuba Centre Hiroba -next to TX Tsukuba Terminal
nearest parking underground, ¥200/h
Entrance Free Participants and Volunteers welcome
Timetable at the present
19 March, Saturday
12:00- acoustic music lives
13:30- peagent (a Japanese play by The Unlucky Boys)
14:00- peagent (an ancient Irish play by Ballylee Theatre Society)
15:00- St.Patrick's Day Parade
20 March, Sunday
13:30- peagent (a Japanese play by The Unlucky Boys)
14:00- peagent (an ancient Irish play by Ballylee Theatre Society)
and more to be announced...
The Parade participants all welcome... Just come and join us!!!
Our volunteer staff are needed for events... even one day staff will be welcome.
If you'd kindly interested in, Please contast us from the form above.
What's St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day, 17th March, is originally the memorial day of Ireland's patron saint, St. Patrick.
But now it is one of the world's biggest events in March, celebrated all over the world.
People wear green, which is Ireland's symbol colour, and enjoy "Irish for a day", enjoy parades and many other events --- no matter what nationality they are.
Dublin St. Patrick's Festival http://www.stpatricksfestival.ie
St. Patrick's events in Japan http://www.inj.or.jp/
Here in Tsukuba, we're having our fourth St. Patrick's Festival--- a parade, music lives and plays for everyone!!
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Festival 2010
Please contast us sending message for any questions. Thank you.
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Fes 2010
Today, the Festival is basically to be hold as scheduled, but can be cancelled when the weather got harder.
Keep warm and see you there!!
Enjoy the Irish Holiday!!!
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Festival 2010
Date:27 Sat & 28 Sun March 2010 ...Parade on 27th, starts at 3:00pm
Venu:Tsukuba Centre Hiroba -next to TX Tsukuba Terminal
nearest parking underground, ¥200/h

Entrance Free Participants and Volunteers welcome
(Sorry, could be cancelled when stormy weather...
Will be announced here.)
Timetable at the present
27 March, Saturday
11:30- Street of Dreams (clasic guitar&songs)
12:00- Hayasaka (acoustic)
12:30- Yagurin (acoustic)
13:00- The Fort of Aengus (ancient Irish play by Ballylee Theatre Society)
14:00- Bagpipes
14:30- Toyota Trio (Irish music) http://www.kozo-toyota.com/
15:00- St.Patrick's Day Parade
with Euro Brass Banda http://www.ab.auone-net.jp/~lcr/ebb.html
workshop for children at Q't square
16:30- Sakamoto Shota (acoustic) http://ip.tosp.co.jp/i.asp?i=streetfriends_sho_
19:00- casual party at Grill & Bar East of Eden http://x21.peps.jp/eden34/?cn=11
(no charge, cash on delivery, instruments welcome)
28 March, Sunday
12:30- yO'ceans (band) http://
13:15- The Fort of Aengus (ancient Irish play by Ballylee Theatre Society)
14:00- Laughter (acoustic)
14:30- Chikuwa Tomohiko (acoustic) http://www.geocities.jp/chikuwatomohiko/
15:00- MaMa (acoustic)
15:30- Street of Dreams (clasic guitar&songs)
16:00- Sakamoto Shota (acoustic) http://ip.tosp.co.jp/i.asp?i=streetfriends_sho_
16:30- Mossan(acoustic)
The Parade participants all welcome... Just come and join us!!!
Our volunteer staff are needed for events... even one day staff will be welcome.
If you'd kindly interested in, Please contast us from the form above.
What's St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day, 17th March, is originally the memorial day of Ireland's patron saint, St. Patrick.
But now it is one of the world's biggest events in March, celebrated all over the world.
People wear green, which is Ireland's symbol colour, and enjoy "being Irish", enjoy parades and many other events --- no matter what nationality they are.
Dublin St. Patrick's Festival http://www.stpatricksfestival.ie
St. Patrick's events in Japan http://www.inj.or.jp/
Here in Tsukuba, we're having our 3rd St. Patrick's Festival--- a parade, music lives and an Irish play for everyone!!
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Festival 2009 http://stptsfes.tsukuba.ch/e30530.html
Please contast us sending message for any questions. Thank you.
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Fes 2009
Successfully finished...Thank you!!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
Enjoy the Irish Holiday!!!
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Festival 2009
Tue 17th Mar~Sun 29th Mar 2009
Venu:Tsukuba Centre Hiroba Monument Plaza/Pede road(1chome Azuma, Tsukuba City-next to TX Tsukuba Station---nearest parking underground, ¥200/h)
backed up by Embassy of Ireland INJ Tourism Ireland
Entrance Free---Participants Wanted!!!
Parade: Sat.28th 3:00~ http://stpatricksdayparade.tsukuba.ch/
Irish play: Sat.21st, Sun.22nd, Sat 28th, Sun 29th http://ballylee.tsukuba.ch/
Traditional Irish music lives&other lives: Sat.21st, Sun.22nd, Sat 28th, Sun 29th ---details below in this page
St. Patrick's Day, originated in Ireland, is now world's big event through March, celebrated all over the world.
People wear green, which is Ireland's symbol colour, then enjoy "being Irish", enjoy parades and many other events --- no matter what nationality they are.
Here in Tsukuba, we have "St. Patrick's Festival" this time --- the prade, the music lives and the Irish play all together. We hope everyone will enjoy them!!
venu: Tsukuba Centre Hiroba (exept 17th&28th Irish music sessions)
Tue.17th~ Pede road decoration
7:30pm~ Irish music session at Public House f'inn --- Hanamuro, Tsukuba
map http://pink.ap.teacup.com/floyd/img/1105605464.jpg
Sat.21st 12:00am~ Traditional Irish music live
3:00pm~ Irish play
6:00pm~ Irish play
Sun.22nd 12:00am~ Traditional Irish music live
1:00pm~ Music lives&performances
3:00pm~ Irish play
Sat.28th 12:00am~ Traditional Irish music live
1:00pm~ Irish play
3:00pm~ PARADE
7:30pm~ Irish music session at Pub f'inn (see above)
Sun.29th 12:00am~ Traditional Irish music live
3:00pm~ Irish play
When rains:
Venu: Takezono Public Hall (3-19-2 Takezono, Tsukuba, free parking available)
Sat.21st 2:00pm~ Traditional Irish music live
3:00pm~ Irish play
Sun.22nd cancelled
Sat.28th 2:00pm~ Parade alternitive event (Traditional Irish music live etc.)
3:00pm~ Irish play
Sun.29th 2:00pm~ Traditional Irish music live
3:00pm~ Irish play
notice:Part of music lives were cancelled.
When the weather is doubtful, details to be announced on this site at the morning.
17th&28th Irish music sessions to be held regardless of the weather.
22th all the events were cancelled according to the bad weather.
Nearest parking to Tsukuba Centre Hiroba --- Go underground at blue P sign. ¥200/h
When rains: Takezono Publc hall --- free parking available.
About each events:
Pede Road Decoration 17th~29th
Tsukuba Fes banner, 21 Irish flags and 6 green ribons at Tsukuba Centre Hiroba.
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Day Parade 2009 http://stpatricksdayparade.tsukuba.ch/
All you need is love of Ireland and something green to wear
Enjoy walking with us and feel Spring's there !!!
Date: 28th March 2009 start at 15:00~
Venu: Monument Plaza~Pedestrian road at Tsukuba centre
(1chome Azuma, Tsukuba, next to TX Tsukuba terminal and Nova Hall)
Necessaries: anything green (clothes, flags, accessories, etc)
Free to participate
Message for application welcome
When rains:
Venu: Takezono Public Hall (3-19-2 Takezono, Tsukuba)
2:00pm~ Parade alternitive event (Traditional Irish music live etc.)
Tsukuba St. Patrick's Day Parade started in 2008 as the 10th St. Patrick's Day Parade in Japan.
We hope more and more people in Tsukuba will know us and join us at the Parade as the years go by.
Ancient Irish&Welsh plays Ballylee Theatre Society http://ballylee.tsukuba.ch/
The premiere (in Japanese)
Pageant(in the open air) --- Tsukuba Centre Hiroba Monument Plaza
Entrance Free
Time table
Sat.21st 3:00pm~ & 6:00pm~
Sun.22nd 3:00pm~
Sat.28th 1:00pm~
Sun.29th 3:00pm~
When rains:
Venu: Takezono Public Hall (3-19-2 Takezono, Tsukuba)
Sat.21st 3:00pm~
Sun.22nd cancelled
Sat.28th 3:00pm~
Sun.29th 3:00pm~
When the weather is doubtful, details to be announced on this site at the morning.
We apologize that 28th 6:00 stage is cancelled.
An ancient Irish story --- The scene is laid in the actual city Ennis, the capital of County Clare, the Western district of Ireland.
An elegant tragedy romance of Amannan, a young gentle monk in the abbey at R. Firgus, and Elda, an innocent, beautiful waterfairy, persuing the essential theme of love, doom, distiny, and also, cultural gaps--- being enjoyable full of songs and dances.
The original story available on the website↑---but sorry, only in Japanese for the time being!
The music lives&performances
Venu:Tsukuba Centre Hiroba Monument Plaza
Sat.21st 12:00am~ Traditional Irish music live
Sun.22nd 12:00am~ Traditional Irish music live
1:00pm~ Music lives&performances
Sat.28th 12:00am~ Traditional Irish music live
Sun.29th 12:00am~ Traditional Irish music live
When rains:
Venu: Takezono Public Hall (3-19-2 Takezono, Tsukuba, free parking available)
Sat.21st 2:00pm~ Traditional Irish music live
Sun.22nd cancelled
Sat.28th 2:00pm~ Parade alternitive event (Traditional Irish music live etc.)
Sun.29th 2:00pm~ Traditional Irish music live
When the weather is doubtful, details to be announced on this site at the morning.
Live stage of traditional Irish music by local Irish music session group and others --- not only Irish music but many other genres.
Irish music sessions
at our cozy local pub Public House f'inn Hanamuro, Tsukuba
map http://pink.ap.teacup.com/floyd/img/1105605464.jpg
Tue. 17th 7:30pm~
Sat. 28th 7:30pm~
No cover charge
Our session is not professional, but if you'd like, enjoy Irish together!!!
Drinks and foods are also very good and reasonable.
28th Parade's details will be discussed here.
Volunteers very welcome.
After the Parade, evenig on 28th, we'll meet here again.
So, enjoy the Fes together!!!
We are completely non-profit. Also, we are all neutral about any politics and religion. Please cooperate with us in keeping peace and order at the parade.
Please ask for details by message. Thank you.
Committee of Tsukuba St. Patrick’s Festival